TV Blobs

TV @ Galerie Christine Mayer
May 26 - July 30, 2012

TV Show @ 179 Canal
September 25 - November 1, 2009

PREDRIVE: After Technology @ Mattress Factory
November 14, 2008 – April 5, 2009

"I was born into a world ruled by TV. But today, TV as we knew it is dying: it is no longer the overly dominating medium it once was.

So it seems fitting to start the prelude to the eulogy. I open it with the retinal impression that TV has left on me, the sounds it has imprinted into my mind. Not the TV of the good old days, but the TV of now, the familiar companion to our day-to-day lives.

This show is about the TV stream that we live in and how it permeates our brains. In order to take a closer look at this stream, I attempt to “solidify” it, by either focusing on a moment, an image or spatial structure.

I recompose the TV stream in four ways: a 12 feet high drawing of TV Doodles, an architectural model of a TV set based on real-time observation, a painted HD TV screen and 2 massive TV Blobs, projected trompe l’œil shapes spinning in the exhibition space.

TV is like a collective dream, a dream filled with fears and desires. Today I act as a filter to the TV stream, and in a last gasp, I merge my own consciousness to this collective one."

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